Random Dot Transitions with TransDots in FCPX
Dots to get it Poppin!
TransDots will get your footage poppin! This amazing transition for Final Cut Pro X will allow you to adjust particle count, colors, size, and focus to create a unique look that is customized to your scene. Dots not in the perfect place? Then randomize your dots! Infinite possibilities.
Match Dots and Colors
Who likes to sit and find just the right colors to create the perfect color scheme? Um…. No one! Save time and color select random colors in your clip to get an amazing looks that always seems to fit. It’s as easy as that!
Customized Controls
Select the direction of your dot movement, wind turbulence, particle count and particle tint. Between the color settings and particle customization, there are Infinite possibilities. Does the fun ever stop?!
Only for Final Cut Pro X
Designed for Final Cut Pro X. Just drag and drop the transition you want between your film clips, adjust the dot hues and count. Instantly give your film the style it needs with just a few clicks of a mouse!