Particle Emitter Transitions with TransEmitter in FCPX
Custom Emitter Transitions
With TransEmitter, users can now emit their media within 3D space all with in Final Cut Pro X. Users simply apply their media to the drop zone and watch it transition their clips right in front of their eyes. With customizable parameters, users have the power to create something of their own. The possibilities are truly endless.
13 Particle Emitters
TransEmitter offers 13 unique, fully customizable presets. Users can choose from bursts, waves, wipes, loops, and falling particles. Users then have control over the number, rotation, color, opacity, size, emission range, spin, birth rate, life, speed, physics, lens controls, and much more all with in Final Cut Pro X.
4 Colorization Methods
Users can colorize their particles with 4 different methods. They can: use the original color of their media; colorize all the particles uniformly; select from a color range; or colorize their media over a span of time. From blowing leaves to shooting stars, each of these color methods can be used to create distinct looks.
Designed for Final Cut Pro X
TransEmitter was professionally designed to work seamlessly inside of Final Cut Pro X. As an FCPX transition, each TransEmitter preset can be dragged and dropped between the users media and previewed in real time. With the published parameters found in the FCPX inspector, users have the ability to make adjustments with just a few clicks of a mouse.