Professional Theme with LookBook in Final Cut Pro
Easy to Use
We’ve worked hard to make this theme easy to use so the user won’t have to. This template comes with color wheels, sliders, and on-screen controls that let the user adjust the parameters quickly and easily.
Overlay Included
This template comes with a customizable overlay that can be customized inside of Final Cut Pro. The user gets to choose many different blend modes for the overlay, darkness of the vignette and more.
Customizable in Final Cut Pro
To find the controls for this template look toward the inspector window to the top right of Final Cut Pro. The user can find many different controls from the colors to drop zones. The on screen controls let the user pick a camera movement from any angle they choose.
Pictures & Videos
LookBook’s drop zones work with both pictures & videos. To activate the drop zones simply go to the inspector window in Final Cut Pro and find the drop zone controls. Double click on the drop zones and apply the media.