FCPX Auto Tracker 3D

Professional Camera Solver for Final Cut Pro

Original price was: $279.95.Current price is: $49.95.

The FCPX Auto Tracker 3D is a 3D motion tracking tool available exclusively for Final Cut Pro. Easily track your text or 3D objects and then adjust the position, scale, and rotation easily. Apply text, pictures, logos, videos and animations with a single click. There are no limits to what you can create with FCPX Auto Tracker 3D from Pixel Film Studios.

* Find more plugins that are compatible with FCPX Auto Tracker 3D here!

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors



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Final Cut Pro X Divider tool from Pixel Film Studios

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Final Cut Pro X Divider tool from Pixel Film Studios

3D Made Simple in Final Cut Pro X

Apply tracked text, pictures, videos and animations to your footage with incredible ease. Simply add an FCPX Auto Tracker 3D preset to your footage, create a camera solve, and apply it to one of the included templates! Completely bypass the tedium of manual keyframing with automatic tracking from Pixel Film Studios.


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Use with Any Resolution

FCPX Auto Tracker 3D will automatically adapt to any resolution without the use of multiple presets. Just drop a preset into your project and it will automatically adjust to work with your settings. Use FCPX Auto Tracker 3D on scenes of any duration, any aspect ratio, and any frame rate.


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3D Tracking Made Easy

FCPX Auto Tracker 3D makes tracking scenes and adding 3D objects a breeze. Simply create a camera solve with the click of a button, and apply it to you the desired template.


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Combine Different Templates

Create amazing scenes by using text, composites, 3D objects and drop zone templates together in one project. The possibilities are endless!

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