Igneous Gabbro

Cinematic Theme for FCPX

Igneous Gabbro is a cinematic title generator made exclusively for Final Cut Pro.  With Igneous Gabbro, FCP users can create an epic opening sequence for whatever production.  Simply stylize the text and utilize easy controls to alter the colors within the scene.  Add the Theme Overlay title atop Igneous Gabbro to instantly composite the scene together.  Make it epic with Pixel Film Studios themes!

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

SKU: igneous-gabbro Categories: ,


Cinematic Themes with Igneous Gabbro in Final Cut Pro


Professional - Sci- Fi Themes for Final Cut Pro X

Epic Opener

With Igneous Gabbro, Final Cut Pro users can create an epic title sequence without a single keyframe. Position and rotate the environment to create new camera shots with easy to understand controls in the FCP inspector window. Pixel Film Studios makes it easy to for editors to be amazing.


Professional - Sci- Fi Themes for Final Cut Pro X

Combine with ProAna

Utilize ProAna to add an anamorphic lens flare to enhance the ambiance of the scene. Pick and choose from Pixel Film Studios huge library of amazing plugins including lighting effects, color correction techniques, and particle methods to add intensity to the scene.


Professional - Sci- Fi Themes for Final Cut Pro X

Control the Overlays

Igneous Gabbro features a theme overlay with customizable parameters. Control the opacity of the particles, lens dirt, and vignette. Alter the color of the volumetric lighting within the scene to achieve different looks with ease. Utilize intuitive color wheels, sliders, and hue dials to make a beautiful opener.


Professional - Sci- Fi Themes for Final Cut Pro X

Customizable in Final Cut Pro

Pixel Film Studios themes are made exclusively for Final Cut Pro users. Utilize intuitive controls found in the top right inspector window to completely change the look of Igneous Gabbro. Change the hue and saturation of the floor and alter the components of the theme overlay to achieve a grandiose look and feel.

Final Cut Pro – Apple
Final Cut Pro Plugins

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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Apple Silicon Compatible

Igneous Gabbro Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find Igneous Gabbro?

Once the installation is complete, you can find Igneous Gabbro in the FCPX Generator library.

Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4



macOS:                                            10.13



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB



Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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