Lava Flow

Cinematic Theme For FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $12.95.

Create heated and exciting slideshows in Final Cut Pro using the Lava Flow theme package from Pixel Film Studios.  Lava Flow is a “magna-ficent” and captivating 3D environment that includes drop zones, fully-editable 3D text, and much more.  Lava Flow also comes with transitions, lower thirds and a background tool.  Create excitingly heated photo and video slideshows in seconds using Lava Flow for Final Cut Pro.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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Cinematic Theme for Final Cut Pro

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Cinematic Theme with Lava Flow in FCPX - Pixel Film Studios

Create a Layout

Lava Flow comes with scene presets that feature up to 3 drop zones per environment, and fully editable 3D text. First, position and rotate each drop zone within the scene. Then, place the text anywhere to get the desired layout. Creating a layout is fast and easy using Lava Flow.


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Cinematic Theme with Lava Flow in FCPX - Pixel Film Studios

Control The Camera

Lava Flow comes with an array of controls for users to make adjustments with. FCP editors can set up the camera movements, change the angle of view, add blurs and more. Adjust the position and rotation of the camera positions throughout the duration, creating unique movements. Users are able to set a starting point, mid point, and ending point for the animation.


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Cinematic Theme with Lava Flow in FCPX - Pixel Film Studios

Includes Transitions & Fully Editable 3D Text

Lava Flow combines Transitions, Lower Thirds, and fully editable 3d text all in one enchanted package. FCP users can change the font, thickness, outline, edge style, and much much more. All text includes keyframe-less intro and exit text animations, allowing users to select animations from a drop down menu.


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Cinematic Theme with Lava Flow in FCPX - Pixel Film Studios

Only for Final Cut Pro

All adjustments to Lava Flow are made using the expansive control menu found in the inspector window. Controls are broken up into groups like Camera Controls, Drop Zone Controls, Text Controls and more. Lava Flow has everything editors need to create a “magna-ficent” slideshow in Final Cut Pro.

Final Cut Pro – Apple
Final Cut Pro Plugins

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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Lava Flow Tutorials

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How to use the Camera Controls

In this tutorial we are going over how to use the camera controls found within this plugin.


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How to Apply a Photo or Video

In this tutorial we are going over how to apply a photo or video into a drop zone.


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Can't edit the text?

In this tutorial we are going over why you aren't able to edit the text and how to make it editable.


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How to use a Edit Text

In this tutorial we are going over how to edit text inside of Final Cut Pro. The text in out plugins is edited the same way as any other text inside of Final Cut Pro.


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How to use Angle Of View

In this tutorial we are going over what angle of view is and how to adjust it in our plugins.


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How to Apply a Generator

This plugin contains titles, background drops, and drop zone presets that are located in the generators library of Final Cut Pro. Here is how to apply them on your timeline.


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How to Apply a Title Layer

This plugin contains lower thirds that are located in the titles library of Final Cut Pro. Here is how to apply them on your timeline.


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How to Apply a Transition

This plugin contains multiple transition presets. Here is how to apply them between two clips.

Additional information








Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX?



generators icon FAQ frequently asked questions troubleshooting help   Pixel film studios image to separate product pages



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How do I apply this plugin?









What is included in this package?


The following is included in this package.


  1. Four environment shots, two with drop zones only, and two that include text
  2. Four lower thirds, two for left and two for the right.
  3. Four transitions.
  4. Two titles, one with and without motion blur.
  5. And a backdrop.


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What is a motion blur preset?


When an object is moving, a blur is added to make the movement seem realistic. This added blur is called motion blur. A preset without motion blur in the title will not have this added effect. These presets will take longer to render and export, since the computer will have more to computer.

Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4.7



macOS:                                            10.15



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB



Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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Lava Flow Troubleshooting

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This plugin is running slow. How do I fix this?


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Why is this Happening:


This may be happening for several reasons.


  1. Your graphics card isn't able to handle the graphics this plugin produces.
  2. Final Cut Pro isn't optimized to run at its fastest speed.
  3. Your timeline has a lot of added content and cannot handle the added graphics.


What is the Solution:

  1. Please make sure to have proper system requirements this plugin requires. For this issue the most important requirement is the graphics card.
  2. For a tutorial on how to optimize Final Cut Pro  Click Here.
  3. To learn the best practices when using our plugins  Click Here.


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Why did the motion blur preset slow down Final Cut Pro?


These presets will take longer to render and export, since the computer will have more to compute. We recommend following the optimization and best practices, under the system requirements tab, to make sure our plugins run as smoothly as possible.



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Having trouble applying a transition?


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I installed this plugin and see a red screen similar to this.



Why is this Happening:

This means that Final Cut Pro is currently out of date.


What is the Solution:

Update Final Cut Pro. You can update by going to the app store.

Click Here to Watch Troubleshooting Video


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Can't find this Plugin after Installation?



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Is Your Plugin Missing Controls?



Additional Information:


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.