ProChapter 3D Cinematic

Presentation Environments for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $19.95.

Bring new life to your video with this set of 3D cinematic presentation environments for Final Cut Pro X. ProChapter 3D Cinematic uses your source media as a starting point and pulls the camera back into a 3D environment where you can display additional information about your subject. ProChapter 3D Cinematic is perfect for presentations and can be used in video productions of any nature. Featuring 30 uniquely designed corporate environments to choose from, ProChapter 3D Cinematic is the ultimate presentation tool for Final Cut Pro X.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors



What’s in a ProChapter 3D?

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30 Presentation Environments

ProChapter 3D Cinematic features 30 presentation environments made exclusively for Final Cut Pro X. This gives users a wide selection of options to use in their productions. Each ProChapter 3D preset is ready-to-use in Final Cut Pro, but can be customized and adapted to any project.

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Interface Controls

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Control the Camera

ProChapter 3D allows you to adjust where the camera lands to display your text and media. Set the End Position and Rotation by adjusting the values on the X, Y and Z axises. You can also increase the Angle of View to make the scene appear more distant and increase the intensity of angles. Turn on the Handheld Cam effect to simulate shaky cam.

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Enter Your Own Text

ProChapter 3D allows you to replace preset text with your own. Changing the text is easy. Just select the current text. Delete it. Then, type in your new text. You can change colors, fonts, and much more.

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Adjust Drop Zones & Text

In addition to the camera position, you can also adjust the rotation of your media within the environment. Then, you can move your text wherever you like and rotate it in 3D space. Create any layout imaginable with ProChapter 3D.

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Choose a Layout Preset

ProChapter 3D comes with a drop-down layout menu so that you may easily select a preset layout for Left, Right, Top, Bottom and Center aligned media. After setting the layout, you can make further adjustments by tweaking the rotation of the media and the position/rotation of the text.

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Change the Colors

Each preset includes a set of color controls so that you have the ability to change the color of the background, foreground and rear objects. Just find the Hue/Saturation controls or find the Tint color pickers included in each respective section to easily change colors.

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Customizable 3D Objects

Reposition, rotate and resize the included 3D elements for any preset. Many designs even include color controls for the 3D objects so that you can display objects of any color with absolute ease.

Use ProChapter 3D for


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Dividing a Section

Use ProChapter 3D to break up sections within your video.

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Providing a Description

Use ProChapter 3D to describe a subject in your video.

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Displaying a Quote

Use ProChapter 3D to display any quote.

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Present Data

Use ProChapter 3D to present statistics and data.

Showing a List

Use ProChapter 3D to show the contents of a list.

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional information


Chapter Dividers








Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX? 


generators icon FAQ frequently asked questions troubleshooting help 


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How do I apply this plugin?



Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4.7



macOS:                                            10.15



Graphics Card:                                 8 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB

Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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