ProDicator Minimal

Trackable 3D Line Indicators for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $17.95.

Pixel Film Studios’ ProDicator Minimal is a package of motion tracked and keyframeable line indicators. Each set includes 30 minimalistic styles with fully customizable elements. Furthermore, ProDicator Minimal features on-screen controls that allow for quick changes and for adding parallax in 3D space. ProDicator Minimal adds a minimalistic look to any production. Create minimalistic call outs all within Final Cut Pro X with ProDicator Minimal.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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FCPX Presentations with ProDicator Minimal in Final Cut Pro X

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Trackable 3D Line Indicators for FCPX

30 ProDicator Designs

ProDicator Minimal is a package of minimalistic motion tracking and keyframeable tracking line indicators created for ease and flexibility. Each set’s presets include a left and right-aligned design for added versatility. Each preset features customizable prong lengths, colors, targets, and text. Most of all, ProDicator Minimal comes with a variety of minimalistic designs that results in giving any production a simple and clean professional look.

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Trackable 3D Line Indicators for FCPX 

On-Screen and Published Controls

Final Cut Pro X users can add an extra dimension to their production with easy to use on-screen controls. These controls will determine the scale, position, and either Y or Z rotation of title elements with the drag of a mouse. In addition to on-screen controls, all other published controls can be found in the inspector window on the right-hand side of the viewer. Because of these controls, creating a parallax effect in 3D space becomes a breeze.


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Trackable 3D Line Indicators for FCPX

Motion Tracking/Keyframe Tracking

Included in the package are our motion-tracked presets that makes tracking easy with our updated Track Editor. For harder to track scenarios, there are on-screen controls that can be keyframed for manual tracking.


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Trackable 3D Line Indicators for FCPX

Exclusive to Final Cut Pro X

ProDicator Minimal is designed and created from the ground up for Final Cut Pro X editors and users. As a result, ProDicator Minimal is exclusive to Final Cut Pro X. Furthermore, each preset has been hand-crafted in order to be used with any type of media, whether it is an image or a video. Because of this, simple and effective customization within Final Cut Pro X is a breeze.

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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ProDicator Minimal Tutorials

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Track Editor Lesson

This quick lesson will tell you everything you need to know about using the all-new Track Editor included in FCPX Auto Tracker 2.0.

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Offsetting Track Data Lesson

This quick lesson will tell you everything you need to know about offsetting track data using keyframes with the FCPX Auto Tracker 2.0. Full tutorial coming soon.

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How to Track & How to Adjust a Track

This is a two part tutorial series that first demonstrates how to do a basic track using the FCPX Auto-Tracker technology.  The second part of the tutorial shows users how to adjust a track by moving, adding, and deleting points in the case that a track is inaccurate.


Applying clips and photos to Drop Zones in FCPX

This is a 3 step tutorial that demonstrates how to apply a video clip or photo to a drop zone.

Additional information






Call-Outs, Tracking


Universal, Web


Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX? 


generators icon FAQ frequently asked questions troubleshooting help 


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How do I apply this plugin?



Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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The M1 version of the plugin will install automatically to systems running Mac OS Big Sur or newer.

  Final Cut Pro:                                       10.4.7   |  10.5.3 (M1)



macOS:                                           10.15    | 11.2.2 (M1)



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB


Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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ProDicator Minimal Troubleshooting

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Can't find the plugin after installation?


Why is this Happening:

  • Scenario 1: The plugin is not be properly installed
  • Scenario 2: The plugin is properly installed, you may be looking in the wrong section in Final Cut Pro.


What is the Solution:

  • Scenario 1: Run the installer until reaching the successfully installed message and restart both Final Cut Pro and your computer.
  • Scenario 2: Search the FAQ section on the product page to see where the plugin is located. Now search this section in Final Cut Pro to locate the plugin.

Click Here Learn How to Search Final Cut Pro X Libraries


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I just installed this plugin and see a red screen similar to this.



Why is this Happening:

This means your version of Final Cut Pro is out of date and cannot support the plugin. 


What is the Solution:

Updating is easy and free through the app store. After updating, install the plugin once more.

Click Here for a video tutorial