
Messaging Text for Final Cut Pro X

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $29.95.

ProMessage is an easy to use message simulation plugin that allows Final Cut Pro X users to create dialogue between two or more parties. Easily adjust the sliders, checkboxes, and color wheels in FCP to customize the speech bubbles, add a date/time, and much more. ProMessage allows users to send pictures, messages, and even videos. Create endless conversation streams without a single keyframe.

* This plugin is no longer available. For message style tools like this please check out FCPX Social Mega Pack.

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Messaging Text Titles with ProMessage Volume 1 in Final Cut Pro


Professional - Messaging Trailer Titles - for Final Cut Pro X

Customizable in FCPX

Look toward the FCPX inspector windows for parameter controls that allow you to change the color, position, animation speed, and bubble style. Use the simple sliders to adjust the height and width of the bubble. Add a border to ProMessage and even make it 3D. Colorize the bubbles to signify the arrival of a new chat partner.


Professional - Messaging Trailer Titles - for Final Cut Pro X

Pictures, Videos, & Text

ProMessage allows users to send text messages, pictures, and videos with ease. Drag a title in the Final Cut Pro X timeline and utilize the easy to use drop zone to insert personal media. Double click the drop zone to activate on-screen controls that will allow the adjustment of both media size and position. ProMessage will automatically send the message upon play.


Professional - Messaging Trailer Titles - for Final Cut Pro X

Customizable Overlay

Simulate the look of popular smart phone devices with ProMessage’s customizable overlay. Control the battery life and reception with easy to use sliders, adjust the time, and control the text headers. Adjust the animation speed to match the project. Create a beautiful project without the headache of extreme editing.


Professional - Messaging Trailer Titles - for Final Cut Pro X

Drag & Drop Ease

Using ProMessage is as easy as dragging and dropping. Stack the title layers atop one another in the Final Cut Pro X timeline to instantly start creating conversation. Feel free to adjust the height and width of ProMessage, it is built perfectly accommodate user’s messaging needs. For a more dynamic look, utilize the camera controls in the background-camera key and adjust the angle of view.


Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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ProMessage Tutorial for Final Cut Pro

Learn how to create digital dialogue between two or more parties with the ProMessage Lesson from Pixel Film Studios.  
  Professional - Messaging Text Titles for Final Cut Pro X

Step 1 - Creating a Chat Bubble

Now let’s set up the first text message. Go to the FCPX titles library and locate the ProMessage presets. Drag a Chat Bubble presets below the background layer in the timeline, and set it the desired length Select the Chat Bubble layer and go to the FCPX Inspector. Set the Time and Date. Then fill out your text message. Now, use the “Animation Speed” slider to control how fast you want the bubble to grow in. Use the Chat Bubble controls to adjust the size and border of the bubble. Next, go to FCPX media library and select an image to use as the sender’s avatar. Drag the image into the timeline beneath the title layer and make it the same length. Move the playhead to the first frame of the title layer and select it in the timeline. Click on the drop zone placeholder in the Inspector. Then select the image as close to the beginning as possible, and click the blue "Apply Clip" button in the FCPX Viewer window. Once the Avatar is in the Drop Zone, you can discard the image by deleting or disabling it in the timeline by pressing “V” on your keyboard.
  Professional - Messaging Text Titles for Final Cut Pro X

Step 2 - Creating Picture Bubbles

Now, let’s repeat this step with a Picture Bubble. Drag a Picture Bubble preset onto the timeline above the text message layer. Make it the same length. Set up the Date, Border and Avatar just as we did with the chat bubble. Uncheck the “Flip” to make the message come from the other side of the screen. Go to FCPX media library and select a video clip to place in the message. Drag the clip into the timeline beneath the title layer and make it the same length. Once everything is lined up perfectly, you need to compound the video clip “by-itself”. This is a strange but necessary step since the 10.6 update to FCPX. Now apply the video to Drop Zone just as we did the avatar image. It is extremely important to follow these steps perfectly or video clips will freeze-up in the during playback. Once the Compound Clip is in its designated Drop Zones, you can disable it in the timeline by pressing “V” on your keyboard.
  Professional - Messaging Text Titles for Final Cut Pro X

Step 3 - Adding a Background

Now, let’s create the backdrop for our dialogue. Drag the Camera-Background preset onto the timeline above the Picture Message. Make it the same length. Select the title layer and go to the FCPX Inspector. Set the color of the background.
  Professional - Messaging Text Titles for Final Cut Pro X

Final Touches

Now, for some Final Touches. Drag the “Overlay” preset above the Background layer on the timeline. Then go to the FCPX Inspector window. Set the name, time, and mobile carrier. Finally, place a Vignette layer over everything in the timeline. This will give our message a clean polished look.
  Professional - Messaging Text Titles for Final Cut Pro X

Additional Information

Now, for some Additional Information. If you would like your dialogue to placed on top of footage instead of a solid color, you will need to compound your chat layers first. Select everything you stacked in the timeline, then hold control and click on one of the titles. Now select New Compound Clip in the pop-up. Next, find the clip or image you wish to use as the background from the FCPX media library. When you find the clip you want… drag it onto the timeline under the compound clip.

Additional information


Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX? 


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How do I apply this plugin?



Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4.7



macOS:                                            10.15



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB


Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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