ProQuotes Corporate

Professional Quotes for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $14.95.

ProQuotes: Corporate is a package of 30 customizable quotes created exclusively for use within Final Cut Pro X.  Create professional scenes for corporate productions with the click of a mouse.  Pick and choose from presets with  elements and smooth animations.  This is the perfect title package for enhancing corporate related videos, whether its a promotional video or an internal communication.

Exciting News! Many of our products are being added to our exclusive member portal. Explore our available range for download on the new members' website before making a purchase. We frequently update with more products. Note that some items listed here may not yet be on the member site, so please review the members' site offerings before joining.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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Writing quotes with ProQuotes: Corporate

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Professional Quotes for FCPX

30 Customizable Corporate Quotes

ProQuotes: Corporate consists of 30 self-animating quotes that can easily be customized with the click of a mouse.  Select refined presets that feature the latest business trends to quickly add a touch of style to your corporate footage. Orient the preset and its elements using on-screen controls,  creating brand new corporate styles with controls found in the inspector menu, and create awesome contrast with modular backgrounds.


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Professional Quotes for FCPX

Intuitive On-Screen Controls

To use ProQuotes, start by choosing a preset and placing it above media in the Final Cut Pro X timeline.  ProQuotes: Corporate features on-screen controls that allows video editors to easily manipulate the position, scale, and rotation of ProQuotes presets.  Creating a professional, corporate focused scene has never been so easy.


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Professional Quotes for FCPX

Refined Style Controls

Although these titles are best used on corporate videos, these thematically styled presets are the perfect complement for any video production. Easily change the colors, fonts, and layouts of title elements to create an entirely new look. No style is out of reach when using these corporate focused presets.


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Professional Quotes for FCPX

Modular Background

The modular background tool allows users to create better contrast between the title and the background below.  With the blur amount slider, editors can instantly draw greater focus to the text. With tint controls, users can give the scene added color and stronger contrast. Combine background layers and quotation presets to achieve a professional corporate video.

Final Cut Pro X – Apple
Final Cut Pro Plugins

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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Additional information












Apple Silicon Compatible

ProQuotes: Corporate Frequently Asked Questions

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I installed ProQuotes: Corporate and see a red screen similar to this.



Why is this Happening:

This means that Final Cut Pro is currently out of date.


What is the Solution:

Update Final Cut Pro. You can update by going to the app store.

Click Here to Watch Troubleshooting Video


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Where do I find ProQuotes: Corporate?


Once the installation is complete, you can find ProQuotes: Corporate in the FCPX Titles library.


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Where is the tutorial for ProQuotes: Corporate?


You can search for the tutorial on the actual product page located at the bottom under the tutorial tab (if one is available). Keep in mind not all tutorials are available yet for each plugin. We are working daily to update new lessons for older and new plugins.

Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.6



macOS:                                            11.2



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB

Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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