ProSnow 5K

Professional 5K Snow Composites

Original price was: $59.95.Current price is: $29.95.

Prosnow™ 5K from Pixel Film Studios™ brings video editors and film makers new ultra high definition snow elements and composites. With 35 different styles, all rendered in 5k resolution for the ultimate clarity and detail, Prosnow™ 5K will surely add those snow elements any film needs!

* This plugin contains composite footage. Composites are included as separate downloads and are not directly installed to FCPX. Please see the tutorial tab on this product page for more on composite footage.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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Composites & Elements with ProSnow: 5K in Final Cut Pro


Professional - Composites and Elements for Final Cut Pro X

Snow For Any Project

ProSnow 5K are snow composites for any non-linear video editing software. These composites can be used in Avid, Abode, and Final Cut Pro X with some simple compositing methods, and can be applied to any scene.


Professional - Composites and Elements for Final Cut Pro X

5K Snow

ProSnow 5K are 5k composites that allow for scaling up in HD without signal loss, or can be applied to 4k for ultimate clarity and realism.


Professional - Composites and Elements for Final Cut Pro X

Over 35 Presets

ProSnow 5K comes with over 35 presets which can be stacked for multiple different looks. Simply apply it to the editing timeline above the desired clip, apply simple compositing methods and thats it. Multiple styles of snow are included included chaotic windy snow.


Professional - Composites and Elements for Final Cut Pro X

Includes FCPX Editing Tools

ProSnow 5K comes with intuitive and simple FCPX editing tools that assist film makers in correct scaling, color correction, and placement. Applying snow to clips has never been easier and time-saving in Final Cut Pro.

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Final Cut Pro Plugins

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional information


Composite Elements


Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Do I need to download all the files?


This plugin is based on the usage of composite footage. In order to have access to all the movie files, they must all be downloaded. However, they do not need to be downloaded all at once and you can use every movie file you have downloaded.


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Why are the file sizes of the download so big?


The files are very large because they contain 5K resolution footage. It will be one of the highest resolution footage you can use in FCPX.


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX? 


generators icon FAQ frequently asked questions troubleshooting help 


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How do I apply this plugin?




Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.6



macOS:                                            11.2



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB


Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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