Video Game Themes with Super Maria Sisters in Final Cut Pro X
Get the Top Score
Get ready to collect some coins in your next Final Cut Pro X project! The Super Maria Sisters theme brings back the retro look and feel of the side scrolling video games we all played and loved in the late-80’s and early 90’s, while also providing a 3D modern look.
It’s ah-Me… Maria!
With the Super Maria Sisters Theme, you can customize and stylize the template to fit your film in Final Cut Pro X. Simply use the controls in the FCPX Inspector Window to change the color, text, and font of the theme in the few clicks of a mouse.
Includes Transitions
The Super Maria theme comes fully loaded with all the elements you would need to create stylized video game theme throughout your film, including a set of transitions. Simply drag and drop one of the theme transitions between two clips in the Final Cut Pro X timeline.
Customize Your Theme in FCPX
The Super Maria Sisters Theme template was made to create a fun, 8 bit look right inside Final Cut Pro X. Simply choose one of the theme elements from the FCPX generator browser and use the FCPX Inspector to control the color, text, and footage without ever having to open another application or graphics software.