TransFrame Basics Volume 2

Multi-Frame Transitions for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $14.95.

Create stunning transitions between your photos and videos with Transframe Basics Volume 2 from Pixel Film Studios. With this tool you can create unique 3D camera movements between 2 clips without ever setting a single keyframe. Use one of the 20 provided preset options or create your own by dropping the preset in the timeline then filling the numerous drop zones in the background with your own media and adjust their position in 3D space. Use the controls to change the depth of field, camera angle, shadow opacity, shadow falloff, background color, and much more to create a unique experience for your viewers.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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Transitioning with TransFrame Basics Vol. 2

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No Keyframes

Twist, turn, slide, sweep, and rotate through a stack of media without ever setting a single keyframe in Final Cut Pro X. Transframe Basics Vol. 2 comes with 20 preset animations that give the user full control over each one. Simply move the 2 frames wherever you want in the FCPX Inspector Window and let Transframe Basics Vol. 2 do the rest.


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Multiple Drop Zones

Each of the 20 preset transitions contains multiple drop zones in the background that you can add your media to. Final Cut Pro X users can add photos and videos to each of the drop zones to create a custom look. Each of the drop zones are adjustable in 3D space and can be moved or rotated.


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Transition Controls

Transframe Basics Vol. 2 comes with built-in controls for each preset. Users can easily adjust the drop zone layout, background color, background image, scale, depth of field, camera shake, and much more with just a few clicks of the mouse.


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Ambient Lighting

Transframe Basics Vol. 2 features ambient lighting. Completely control the falloff, shadow, and environment lighting with simple sliders that can be found in the inspector window. Lower the falloff amount and darken the shadows to moody scene. Alternatively, create a lighter scene by choosing a vibrant background with softer shadows. The possibilities are endless with TransFrame Basics Vol. 2.

Final Cut Pro X – Apple
Final Cut Pro Plugins

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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Additional information




Slideshow, Video Wall




Apple Silicon Compatible

TransFrame Basics Vol. 2 Frequently Asked Questions

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Where do I find this plugin?


  • Once the installation is complete, and you have restarted both FCPX and your computer , you can find this plugin in the FCPX Transitions library.
  • If you are unsure on how to locate the different libraries inside FCPX. Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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How do I apply this plugin onto my media?


Click and drag the transitions in between your media. Click Here for a Video Tutorial. 

Hardware and Software Minimum Requirements

The following minimum must be met for this plugin to function.


Component:                    Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                  10.4



Mac OS:                                           10.13



Graphics Card:                                512 MB



RAM:                                                 4 GB



Resolution:                                      1920 x 1080 recommended

TransFrame Basics Vol. 2 Troubleshooting

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Can't extend the transition?


The transition needs more media to feed from. Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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I installed TransFrame Basics Vol. 2 and see a red screen similar to this.



Why is this Happening:

This means that Final Cut Pro is currently out of date.


What is the Solution:

Update Final Cut Pro. You can update by going to the app store.

Click Here to Watch Troubleshooting Video


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Can't find the plugin after installation?


Why is this Happening:

  • Scenario 1: The plugin is not be properly installed
  • Scenario 2: The plugin is properly installed, you may be looking in the wrong section in Final Cut Pro.


What is the Solution:

  • Scenario 1: Run the installer until reaching the successfully installed message and restart both Final Cut Pro and your computer.
  • Scenario 2: Search the FAQ section on the product page to see where the plugin is located. Now search this section in Final Cut Pro to locate the plugin.

Click Here Learn How to Search Final Cut Pro X Libraries