Ticket Support


We use Helpdesk as our service provider to connect and support customers. Users can reach out by either sending an email to support@pixelfilmstudios.com or by using the Submit a Ticket option below.

Our support agents are here to help so we expect that our customers remain cordial during their interactions. We know that troubleshooting can be a frustrating experience and that is why we provide a service to be able to help those who are in need of assistance. As such, please keep conversation clean and friendly so our agents can help provide a solution as quickly and efficiently as possible! 🙂

Be sure to check all folders including spam to make sure you receive responses to your ticket.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Our support agents are here to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible, however, we do not tolerate harassment of any kind and you can be banned from chats for:

  • Racism
  • Discrimination
  • Making threats
  • Sexual harassment
  • Vulgar and abusive remarks
  • Making demands or harassing agents to break company policies

Bans from the Live Chat are dependent on the severity of the case. They can last from just a few days to a lifetime ban depending on the circumstances. We prefer to not hand out bans and very rarely need to. As long as there is nothing constituting harassment in the chats there is no need for concern of being banned.