Lens Flares with FCPX Overlay: Bokeh 6K in Final Cut Pro X
Drag & Drop
To add bokeh into any scene simply go to the effects tab located in Final Cut Pro X and navigate to the FCPX Overlay: Bokeh 6K folder. Choose between rounded and angular bokeh shapes and drag the effect onto any video or photo. Stacking bokehs this way is intuitive and doesn’t add unnecessary layers to the timeline.
Color Controls
Use a simple color wheel to change colors of individual bokeh. Brightness, opacity and chromatic aberration can also be adjusted using the color manipulation section of the effects window. Using these controls any combination of looks can be achieved with FCPX Overlay: Bokeh 6K.
Amazing Detail
FCPX Overlay: Bokeh is shot in 6K using top of the line industry equipment. Over 1400 unique bokeh shots are available to the user using both the rounded and angular bokeh files. Choose between shots featuring clean bokeh, more grungy looks, and ones with alternate lighting to find the right bokeh for any shot.
Customizable in FCPX
Use amazing on-screen-controls to change the scale and position of bokeh shapes and take advantage of keyframeless animation by adjusting positional parameters in the movement control section. Individual bokehs can be manipulated in a variety of ways including blur amount, lighting effects, flicker controls, opacity and even control over bokeh edges to create an endless amount of unique bokeh imperfections.