Editing with ProElements in Final Cut Pro X
Self-Animating Element Presets
ProElements is a set of self-animating element presets made for use within Final Cut Pro X. To use ProElements, start by selecting generator dragging it into the FCPX timeline. Next, manipulate the scale, position, and rotation of the preset with built-in on-screen controls. Lastly, editors can alter the style and animation controls to tweak the look.
Intuitive On-Screen Controls
Each ProElement preset is built with different, yet intuitive on-screen controls. Drag around the position pucks, rotation handles, and circle handles to discover just how easy it is to use ProElements’ generators. Animate up to 6 elements per burst preset, and an unlimited number of elements with line presets.
Simple Customization Options
Look toward the inspector window to find powerful customization options in Final Cut Pro X. Alter the color, lengths, and widths of ProElements presets with a drag of the mouse. With drop shadow controls, editors can add greater contrast between elements and the scene below. Lastly, ProElements also provides a rotation animation slider for added dynamics.
Stack Generators Limitlessly
ProElements is a modular plugin which allows users to create their own designs by stacking self-animating presets. Easily time animations with music, sound effects, and video footage by aligning the first frame of a given preset to any of these instances. Editing with ProElements is as easy as dragging, dropping, and creating.