
Professional Art Effects for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $17.95.

Turn your FCPX video into a flip book cartoon, graphic novel, or painting with ProTrace by Pixel Film Studios. In the click of a button, trace your images with chalk, watercolor paint, or color pencils. With ProTrace you can turn any film into a hand-drawn work of art.

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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Stylized Effects with ProTrace: Volume 1 in Final Cut Pro X


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X


Take your footage to school with the Chalk plugin. This plugin was professionally created to turn your footage into a realistic chalk-drawn cartoon that you can composite onto a real chalkboard background. Chalk is a must-have plugin for giving your footage a cool, hand-drawn look.


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X


Turn your movie into a moving piece of art with the Paint plugin. This is a great effect for giving your story a fantastical feel without having to hand-paint thousands of stills. ProTrace also includes the Watercolor plugin which works great on bold footage with sharp definitions and outlines.


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X


Making a presentation or a company video? Use the Blueprint effect on footage of buildings or products to create a beautiful moving blueprint diagram. The plugin works great on images with sharp defined edges.


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Pencil Sketch

Save a tree! Make your video into a pencil sketch cartoon without using thousands of pieces of paper. This plugin combined with the Frame Rate Adjustment plugin is a great way to make your footage into a fun flipbook style cartoon. The Pencil plugin works best on wide shots. Color Pencil plugins are also included, and if you have high contrast source footage, try the Charcoal plugin in ProTrace.


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Bank Note

Want your movie to look like a million bucks? Use the Bank Note plugin to make your film look like it was etched and printed on money. You can also adjust the hue of your footage to imitate the currency of different countries.


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Comic Book

Making a graphic novel movie? POW! The Comic plugin can outline your subjects with ink and shade them in with a halftone pattern giving your footage a printed, Pop Art appearance. Going for more of a Sunday Funnies look? Enter the Newspaper plugin, also included in ProTrace. These plugins work best on wide shots.


Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Customize your PROTRACE

All ProTrace plugins have built-in customizable settings. With easy-to-use sliders, quickly adjust: effect amounts, blurs, brush strokes, and much more. You can also place the Frame Rate Adjustment effect on top of any of the ProTrace plugins to add a flipbook or stop motion animation style to your footage.

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How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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ProTrace: Volume 1 Tutorial for Final Cut Pro X

Learn how to turn your FCPX video into a flip book cartoon, graphic novel, or painting with the ProTrace: Volume 1 Lesson.  
  Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Step 1 - Preparing the Timeline

Let's begin by selecting a clip in the FCPX media library and dragging it to the timeline. PROTRACE works best with high contrast footage with well-defined lines. Once you have your footage in the timeline, scan through the ProTrace presets and select the art preset that best matches the look you want. Then, drag and drop the filter on the clip in the Final Cut Pro X timeline. For this example, we will use the “Pencil Sketch 10” preset.
  Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Step 2 - Customizing the ProTrace

Now that we have applied our filter, it’s time to customize the look of our effect. Use the “Pencil Tip Sharpness” sliders to control the crispness of the edges in your sketch. Then, use the Brightness, Smoothness and Contrast to adjust the look of the drawing to your liking. Next use the Hatch and Cross Hatch parameters to manipulate the texture of the shading in the drawing.
  Professional - Stylized Effects for Final Cut Pro X

Final Touches

Now for some Final Touches. To give our footage a stop motion effect… We will apply the “Frame Rate Adjustment” tool that comes with Pro Trace to our clip. Use the “Strobe Rate” slider to control the frame rate of your footage. The lower the parameter is set… The more exaggerated the frame skips will be.

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Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX? 


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How do I apply this plugin?



Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4.7



macOS:                                            10.15.7



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB


Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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