Text Position Assistant for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $29.95.

Create the text positioning effects you have always wanted in Final Cut Pro with ProTRK from Pixel Film Studios. This plugin not only gives you the option to interact your text with your media, but also gives your text a whole new look all inside FCP. With easy to use on-screen controls and customization options in FCP, the ProTRK Plugin from Pixel Film Studios can help you bring your text to life!

*This tool is no longer sold, however, if you are looking to track your text we recommend checking out FCPX Auto Tracker!

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Text Position Assistant with ProTRK in Final Cut Pro


Professional - Text Position for Final Cut Pro X - for Final Cut Pro X

Bring Your Text to Life

Have your text and titles interact with your media. With ProTRK from Pixel Film Studios you too can have dynamic text filled with live movement. Have your text in the palm of your hand, even have it follow your subjects. With ProTRK the possibilities are now endless.


Professional - Text Position for Final Cut Pro X - for Final Cut Pro X

Position your Text in Final Cut Pro

Text positioning is now possible in Final Cut Pro. With ProTRK you can give the illusion that your text is moving with your actor or subject. With simple and easy to use parameters and on-screen controls you now have another tool to make your projects look even more amazing all with in Final Cut Pro.


Professional - Text Position for Final Cut Pro X - for Final Cut Pro X

On-Screen Control

With ProTRK, from Pixel Film Studios you are given the on-screen controls to control your position, rotation, scale, and depth. With a simple click and drag you too can have the look professionals nearly use every day. Here at Pixel Film Studios we provide you with simple and easy to use tools to make you a professional all within Final Cut Pro.


Professional - Text Position for Final Cut Pro X - for Final Cut Pro X

Designed for Final Cut Pro

ProTRK was designed by the team at Pixel Film Studios to work seamlessly inside Final Cut Pro. Users can select the on screen controls to animate their text. The camera controls gives your text a depth of field and lets you adjust the near and far focus amount. Customize the look and movement of the text in the FCP Inspector Window.

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Final Cut Pro Plugins

Learn how to Install Plugins


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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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Additional information


Title, Tools







Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside FCPX?



Final Cut Pro X Plugin FCPX Auto Tracker 2.1 from Pixel Film Studios   Pixel film studios image to separate product pages



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How do I apply this plugin?




Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4.7



macOS:                                            10.15



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB


Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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