Pixel Film Studios reveals FCPX Freeze Frame for Final Cut Pro X
By D. Austin
Sept. 29, 2020
Aliso Viejo, California — Pixel Film Studios’ new ultimate Freeze Frame pack is now available on the company’s store. FCPX Freeze Frame is a collection of Freeze-Frame Tools currently featuring 21 style categories and ever growing with free future updates. The pack features all of Pixel Film Studios’ most popular freeze frame plugins. With over 40 presets and more on the way, creators will always find a perfect option for stylizing their freeze frames.
“FCPX Freeze Frame is a great option for creatives who dabble in different genres,” said Dave Austin, CEO of Pixel Film Studios. “It provides a wide range of freeze frame styles, perfect for nature, action, horror, comedy, documentary – any kind of project you can think of.”
21 Freeze Frame Styles
Add props to your subject with ProFreeze Props, or create an unsettling feeling with ProFreeze Noir. Best selling styles including ProFreeze Comic, ProFreeze Action, ProFreeze Bold, and ProFreeze Clone are also included in the pack.
User Friendly Controls
Users can customize every aspect of the Freeze Frame preset to create their desired effect. Integrated and easy-to-use controls allow users to edit everything including color, layout, element placement and so much more. Furthermore, every preset features animations to breathe life into every freeze-frame effect.
FCPX Freeze Frame is designed to be easy to use. Simply create a hold segment. Then, choose a preset from any style category, and place it in the timeline above the hold-frame section. After that, cut out the subject, and apply any necessary adjustments to the color, text, and elements.
Free Future Updates
The FCPX Freeze Frame Library will continue to grow with future updates.
At a fixed price of $29.95, FCPX Freeze Frame is available now at pixelfilmstudios.com. Additional product information, including system requirements, can be found on the product page here.
Established in 2006, Aliso Viejo, California-based Pixel Film Studios is an innovative developer of visual effects tools for the post-production and broadcast community. Their products are integrated with popular non-linear editing and compositing products from Apple FCPX. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS X, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
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Dave Austin
Pixel Film Studios
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