FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2

Look Up Table Color Grades for FCPX

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $12.95.

FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 is an a new addition to the FCPX Look Up Table Color Grading Library. These seasonal inspired color grades  are designed exclusively for FCPX. Final Cut users can add these color-grades to any media, enhancing the atmosphere and seasonal look. FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 contains 60 different look-up table presets, designed to feed from the color and light in each shot. FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 includes warm tints, cooler grey-tones for foggy and dusk shots, and dark blue overlays for colder days.

* Changes have been made to this product. Review the FAQ section of this product page to learn more!

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Product Compatible with Apple Silicon and Intel Processors

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Color Grading with FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 in Final Cut Pro


Includes 60 Look-Up Table Presets

FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 includes over 60Fall-Inspired color grade look-up tables for film makers choose from. FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 includes everything from warmer Autumn-looking grades, to darker colder tints. These look-up table color grades are added to take each clip to add to the mood and atmosphere. FCPX users have the ability to build on each preset by adding film-grain, overlay gradients, vignettes, and more. Each preset is easily applied and includes easy to use controls located in the Inspector interface window.



Simply Drag & Drop to Apply

FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 is a simple drag & drop effect. These presets are designed to be dragged to the desired media on the timeline. All 60 presets are located within one effect preset, making the process for any skill level editor as easy as possible. FCPX users can also apply a color tint to the light shades, mid-tones, and dark areas of each shot independently. Completely change the look of a shot with a simple added effect, enhancing the look and feel of each individual media clip.



Color Effects help add to the atmosphere

FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 includes added effects on top of the 60 color grade presets. Each preset once applied, can be modified using many of the built-in effects. These Added affects include film-grain feature for grittier looks, and vignette overlays which help darken the edges and applying new focus points. FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 also includes gradient overlays that can be adjusted using the on-screen controls and blend mode options to heighten the mood for each seasonal shot.



Designed Specially for Final Cut Pro

FCPX editors can utilize the customization controls in the FCPX LUT Fall Volume 2 Loader to adjust the parameters of each shot. FCPX users can be modify and fully adjust each shot to the desired look and effect. They can also make further adjustments to color of the highlights and whites, shadows and darker tones, and mid-tones if they are unhappy with the look of the preset settings. Each Preset comes with Gradient Overlay effects where users can adjust the start and end tones, positions, opacities, blend-modes and more.

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Additional Information:.


How to name motion template folders: Click Here for a Video Tutorial.


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FCPX LUT Tutorial for Final Cut Pro


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All the LUT loaders are similar in functionality and usability. Watching this following tutorial will help you to understand the workflow and how to correctly apply and modify each LUT effect. The newer version of this plugin has a couple of differences, but works similarly to the older version. Please see the FAQ section to understand changes made to this plugin.    

Additional information




Color Grading




Apple Silicon Compatible

Frequently Asked Questions


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Where do I find this Plugin Inside Final Cut Pro?


Final Cut Pro X Plugin FCPX Light Rays from Pixel Film Studios




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How do I apply this plugin?



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Are the LUT's preview-able?

To preview the LUTs (Look-up Tables) in this product, you must first apply the LUT preset from your Effects library in Final Cut Pro onto your selected clip. Then, use the LUT selection dropdown in the Effect’s controls panel. The LUT files are designed to populate in a drop-down menu which draws from your Mac’s Custom LUTs folder..


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Can the LUT files be adjusted?

Through the Effect's controls panel you can adjust Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, and make opacity adjustments. Users also have the ability to add tints to their Lighter Tones, Mid-Tones, and Shadows. This adjustment has a Mix control allowing the effect to be strong or subtle, depending on the users liking.


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Can I stack multiple LUTs on a clip?

Yes. Simply apply the LUT preset and select your LUT from the dropdown menu in the controls panel. Then, add another LUT preset and select a different LUT from the dropdown. You can then adjust the Mix controls under the LUT Loader section of the controls on each effect to dial in your look.


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This version of the plugin looks a bit different than the original release verion. Where are all of the additional effect controls that use to be in my pack?

The custom controls are now included as a separate download that comes with your purchase of the LUT plugin. These effects have been included as a separate download so that we can easily include them with all of our different LUT plugins. There are 24 unique tools included in this new extra download.

The Tools library that comes with the LUTs can be accessed on on the Account Downloads page or the PFS APP under FCPX LUT - Tools. Once installed will show in your Effects library under PFS - FCPX LUT - Tools. Please note this will be accessed in a separate effect category from the LUTs.


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Have the names of the cube files themselves been changed?

Yes! We have trimmed down the names of each of the cube files to show the Category name and a Number or Style name.

For example, if you have downloaded and installed FCPX LUT Action and were selecting a cube file from the dropdown LUT menu you would see Action - 01. Action is the category and 01 is the style/number.

*Please note that even though the portion of the name Rec709 was removed from the name of the LUT names these LUTs are still designed to be used with Rec. 709.


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Where are the LUT.cube files stored on my Mac?

After you have installed this LUT plugin can can find the .cube files in your Custom LUTs folder. The LUTs are in a folder titled PFS - FCPX LUT Fall V2 LUTs. This folder can be found through the following path in your Finder:

Macintosh HD > Users > Your User > Library > Application Support >ProApps > Custom LUTs

*The Library folder in the path above is hidden by default on Apple computers. To show hidden folders press Shift+Command+Period.If your LUTs have not populated in this location after installation we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin.


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How can I add my own LUT's to the drop down menu?

To load your own personal LUT or one you have gotten from another third party, the location of the LUT file itself isn’t important. So long as the user knows where the LUT is located (i.e. the desktop), it can be loaded from anywhere. From the Effect's controls panel select the LUT selection dropdown and press Choose Custom LUT...

Now that you have selected your own LUT is should be stored in the Custom LUTs folder on your Mac under the following location:

Macintosh HD > Users > Your User > Library > Application Support >ProApps > Custom LUTs

You can also add your own folder of LUTs to this location. Simply create a folder and name it whatever you like. Then place all of your favorite LUTs in this folder. Next, drop this folder into the Custom LUTs folder above and you will see your personal LUTs in one tidy location!

Just make sure that you’re using the correct “Library” folder. There are a number of other “Library” folders in various places that you could mistake for the correct one so be sure to follow this exact path. If the LUT files don’t show up in the dropdown list after adding them to the directory, try restarting Final Cut.


Minimum Requirements


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Component:                                   Requirement:

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Final Cut Pro:                                   10.4.7



macOS:                                            10.15



Graphics Card:                                 2 GB



Ram:                                                 8 GB


Plugin Running Slow? Follow These Steps

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