Purchasing Plugins

How do I purchase plugins from Pixel Film Studios?

Step 1: Login

To purchase a plugin, you must first make sure that you are logged into your Pixel Film Studios account. If you do not have one, you will have to create an account first. Learn how to create an account by clicking here.

Step 2: Add Products to Your Cart

To add a product to your cart, simply hover over a plugin and then click the “ADD TO CART” button that appears or if you are already on the product page you will see a large orange button that says “ADD TO CART.”

Step 3: The Checkout

To access your cart, click the shopping cart icon on the top right of the page, then press the “VIEW CART” button. On the next page, you will see a list of all items in your cart. You can also enter a coupon code here if you have one available. Scroll to the bottom and press “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT.” You may get an offer on the next page to save on certain plugins. Add any offers that you would like and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT.”

On the following page, enter your billing details and confirm your method of payment.

*Please note that the email entered here will also be used to “Validate your Plugins” so be sure to enter the correct email address as this cannot be changed after the order is completed.

Check the reCAPTCHA button and then click “PLACE ORDER.”

After you have placed your order successfully you can download your plugins. Learn how to download your purchased plugins here.


If you are having trouble completing a payment when purchasing Pixel Film products, we encourage you to review and verify that your payment information is accurate. If you are using a credit card, please double check that the card is valid. If the issue continues, we recommend that you contact your bank immediately.

If you are getting an error checking out using PayPal, be sure to contact PayPal to check if there is a hold on the account.

If you are getting an error when using a coupon code, please view the Coupons and Discount Not Applying help page.