Final Cut Pro Effects SHOP ALL EFFECTS Built for Final Cut Pro Compatible with Apple Silicon & Intel Chips


Lighting Tools

FCPX Lighting Effects Suite

Including tools & effects such as bokeh, glares, glints, lens flickers, light leaks, spotlights, and more.

Illuminate Your Edits

High Energy Graphics

FCPX Energy

Add animated shapes, text, overlays and more to take your videos to the next level.

Power Up Now!


Glitch Effects & Tools

FCPX Glitch

Select from a wide range of composite footage and effects with free and frequent updates.

Fracture Reality


Composites & Overlays

FCPX Grunge

Create a custom grunge overlay effect within a matter of seconds.

Roughen Your Media

Distortion Titles and Effects

FCPX Distortion

Easily add various distortion overlays to your media within Final Cut Pro.

Bend Your Reality

Featured Effects

Tracked Effects

Hand-Drawn Effects

Energy & Glitch Effects

Lighting & Color Grading Effects

More Epic Effects

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